AIPRM Overal

Markeer inhoud waar dan ook op het internet en verzend het naadloos in je ChatGPT Prompt. Start een prompt rechtstreeks vanuit je browserbalk.
  • Gebruik AIPRM vanaf elke webpagina.
  • Markeer tekst en stuur het naar ChatGPT.
  • Start een prompt waar je ook bent.
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Wat onze klanten zeggen

It has helped me a lot

"It has helped me a lot, thank you very much for the tool”

Cristian Montoya's profile picture
Cristian Montoya
Principal Chief Executive Officer at Soluciones Digitales Global

The service is informative, helpful, and available for free users

"I recently started using the AIPRM browser extension for my digital marketing needs, and I have to say, I am impressed with the variety of prompt templates that are available. There are different creators out there who have created great prompts that fit into my digital marketing lifestyle, and I appreciate the effort that has gone into curating them.”

Terassah Thompson's profile picture
Terassah Thompson
Sales & Marketing Specialist at All Web LLC

AIPRM's 1-Click Prompts Are Incredible!

"I'm totally amazed with the 1 click prompts that saves me a lot of effort and valuable time. I highly recommend it to all the Chatgpt users.”

Panagiotis Lymperopoulos's profile picture
Panagiotis Lymperopoulos
Fashion Photographer at KAVYAR

Enkele van onze klanten

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