Saiba como usar o Live Crawling no AIPRM para obter o conteúdo exato de que você precisa para o seu prompt.
Um Live Crawling Prompt muito popular que também usamos todos os dias em nosso próprio marketing é o Prompt TLDR this URL - Rastrear, extrair, resumir que permite extrair o conteúdo de um URL e resumi-lo em algumas frases.
Experimente este prompt no ChatGPT agora
Saiba como criar seus próprios prompts de rastreamento ao vivo no AIPRM para ajustar os prompts de rastreamento ao vivo de acordo com suas necessidades e obter resultados consistentes.
It has ChatGPT prompts for nearly anything you can imagine
"I am a serial entrepreneur specializing in SMTP infrastructure, AKA Email Marketing Software and services. I was told about AIPRM by a colleague. This is an amazing extension! It has ChatGPT prompts for nearly anything you can imagine with new ones being added all of the time.”
AIPRM: A Game-Changer, Saves Time, Boosts Opportunities
"Chris thank you for this amazing tool. I am Jemma Mong a Digital Marketer and Web Designer and so fascinated with the AIPRM tool as these prompts reduces time and energy for me to try out ChatGPT. I found out through Clubhouse member, Christel Guillen. This tool has widened the opportunities I would never or slowly discovered. I thank you immensely. I have shared this with many colleagues.”
AIPRM: A Cool and Reliable Companion
"Just started using, crazy cool tool, very helpful when GPT is down!.”