ChatGPT 非常出色,但也并非没有限制。功能和法律方面的限制可能会阻碍您充分发挥其潜力。不过,别担心,AIPRM 的 AIPRM Cockpit&trade 可以帮您解决这个问题。
使用 AIPRM Cockpit 体验人工智能请求处理的真正自由。
通用性: 从大量模型中进行选择。我们已对数十种模型进行了严格测试,以确保您获得最佳模型。您甚至可以在 AIPRM Cockpit 上配置和使用自己的模型。
效率: 数以千计的预制提示模板在等着您。这些都是您在使用 AIPRM for ChatGPT 的过程中逐渐喜爱和依赖的模板。
协作和 Excel: 让您的团队加入进来。利用我们的协作功能,您可以共享和策划顶级的定制提示。提升整个团队的人工智能水平。
进入 AIPRM Cockpit 的世界。
A Must Have Tool
"If you are in the need to create content for emails or websites. This is a must have tool. You can do content outlines, get optimized articles in minutes. I have been able to take prompts from other users, finetune them to my needs and safe them. It speeds up about 70% of the work that I am doing. Thanks guys!”
AIPRM can become the wikipedia of prompts
" I love the power of collaborative human intelligence. This can become the wikipedia of prompts.”
AIPRM Unleashes Potential
"A wicked cool tool that is pretty much unmatched when it comes to what a Chrome extension can do. it's going to blow your mind.”