Apprenez à utiliser le Live Crawling dans l’AIPRM pour obtenir le contenu exact dont vous avez besoin pour votre message-guide.
L’une des invites de Live Crawling les plus populaires, que nous utilisons également tous les jours pour notre propre marketing, est l’invite suivante Invite TLDR this URL - Crawl, extract, summarize qui vous permet d’extraire le contenu d’une URL et de le résumer en quelques phrases.
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The user interface is excellent.
"I am a consultant for banks on climate finance issues. I discovered this tool very long ago. I use it a lot to compare my ideas with those of others through chatGPT. The interface of AIPRM is very good for asking questions or requesting a summary of texts.”
AIPRM: Maria Ibarra Ultimate Ally for Time Management and Creative Inspiration—Highly Recommended!
"I am a teacher and creator of content, courses and workshops; my name is Maria Ibarra. AIPRM has been a fantastic ally for me, recommended by Oskr León (YouTube). This complement, they have so many options to explore, as possibilities to manage time and inspiration, when sitting down to work. Undoubtedly, widely recommended, you need to continue learning, all that universe of content that is achieved with the variety of prompts. I loved him from day one!.”
Very Useful Tool for SEO
"This is very useful tool for SEO. it's saved me lots of time and work now. I can easily manage most of the project becoz of this. Thanks for creating this amazing tool”