AIPRM: Unmatched Ideation Toolbox for Business Excellence!
"I love this extension. I know there are competitors, but I haven't found any better than this. I use it every day, and keep finding new ways to use the prompts and appreciate the updates as they come.
AIPRM has given me a toolbox ideation tools that have opened up a whole new channel for business.
Rock on you guys”
AIRPM: Time saver with incredible content for free, No need for other extension.
"AIRPM is an absolute time saver. The amount of content you get- even for a free user - is immense. I'm pretty sure I will not need any other extension beside this. Thanks”
It's a Game Changer for that Blank Page
"AIPRM and ChatGPT have been a game changer for that blank page. The ideas it gives me help me set me in a good direction. It's been so much easier giving me time back and more space for the creative process”